Are consumers seeking more personalized products and services?

- 62% of global consumers are interested in products or services that can be customized to meet their specific health needs.
- 71% of consumers expect personalization from the brands they choose
- 76% of people get frustrated when they don't get it.
Our Nlumn quantitative research study of 3,000 U.S. consumers revealed that 57% are interested in personalized nutrition. Yet less than 15% of consumers are participating in a plan that provides personalized recommendations, and most people have been on their plans for six months or less.
So, what's creating the gap between interest and the "stickiness" of these programs?
One significant big factor, not surprisingly, is cost. 46% of respondents who had a personalized nutrition plan in the past stopped because it was too expensive. 61% of people who haven't enrolled in a plan indicated that cost was the main barrier. This gap between interest and affordability must be addressed to support the adoption of more personalized nutrition programs.
Another critical need gap is support. Our research shows a large discrepancy between the amount of guidance and support desired vs. received. People need assistance putting plans into action and social connections to encourage accountability. Technology cannot yet take the place of in-person guidance from qualified individuals, which is a meaningful way to create engagement and plan adoption. Positive behavior change is essential to achieving desired health outcomes.
How can your company meet these challenges and be successful in the personalized nutrition marketplace?
- Deliver value (not test kits) to consumers to keep your service affordable. Our research shows that 40% of people interested in personalized nutrition use apps regularly to manage or track their health. They collect data on themselves that can be used to tailor programs. Help them make sense of the data they are collecting before selling them additional tests.
- Solve a consumer problem with your service (and do it REALLY well). Be deliberate about which user problems you solve (and what you don't). You are going on a journey with them and need to clearly communicate results, understand their goals, and provide support throughout the process to drive behavior changes needed so they can accomplish their desired outcomes.
- Invest in guidance and support. While AI is all the rage, people still want human connection. Make sure there are real and qualified experts behind your recommendations and advice. Create communities for like-minded individuals to learn from and hold each other accountable on their health journeys. These key elements will create an environment where users can achieve their goals and foster greater customer lifetime value for your business.